Be sure to take your vitamins!....or is there another way?

Even though I was supplementing with tons of vitamins, my body was starving. All those supplements contain synthetic forms of vitamins that are not entirely bioavailable for our bodies to absorb, and the food I was eating was lacking nutrients due to conventional and modern farming practices. You see, over the last 70 years our foods have seen a significant nutritional decline. The carrot you eat today is not as healthy as the carrot eaten 50 years ago. That’s because conventionally grown food is lacking in vitamins and minerals.

Put pork on your does the body and your taste buds good!

Pork is sometimes called, “the other white meat.” However, it is actually a red meat, and as a red meat it brings along with it some great health benefits, as well as the unique pork flavor that comes from its high fat content...and pork fat is good fat! In my previous newsletter, I talked all about fat and how important it is to maintain a healthy and balanced diet. Pork has a bad reputation of being unhealthy because of its fat content, but that reputation is unfair and untrue. Healthy pigs fed a nutritious diet, and living a healthy lifestyle, produce healthy pork that contains healthy fats, it's that simple!

Don’t fear the fat, well good quality fat that is!

Fat gets a bad rap, and for a long time many people believed a low fat diet was a healthy diet. This thinking was likely brought on by a media campaign that led consumers to believe that a low fat diet was the key to staying slim and having a healthy heart. This simply is not true. Recent studies have found that fat is absolutely necessary for good health. Not only is it necessary, but eating fat will help keep you fit and perform your best!

American corn - the good, bad, and the deadly.

Corn on the cob is the epitome of an American summertime comfort food. When I think about summer BBQ’s, it is not complete without a cob of bright yellow sweet corn, slathered in butter, and sprinkled with salt. Modern corn is big, yellow, and sweet! But corn hasn’t always been that way. Corn as we know it today has been selectively bred for centuries and genetically modified. But is this the way corn is meant to be? And is this the way it is meant to be eaten?

Why do we have grass lawns anyway, and can we do better?

I pass by dozens of grass lawns every single day, and for a long time I never gave them any thought. But recently I have been observing and questioning these perfectly maintained landscapes. Why do so many of us want to attain the same exact ideal of glorious green grass, and what exactly is the history of the grass lawn?

What is Beiler Family Farm certified organic for anyway?

When we go to the food store many of us scan the packaging for certain labels to let us know important information. Is the product Gluten-Free, Non-GMO, Grass-Fed and so on? But I would say the most sought after, well known, and trusted label is “USDA Organic.” You know the label I am talking about. Why do consumers trust this label so much?

Are you stressed out? Maybe a nice soft rain can help!

I asked farmer Jonas this week if he had any tips from a farmer on how to deal with stress. His advice was to “take the time to enjoy a nice soft rain.” We giggled a bit at this advice, however, I think the sentiment is important. It is all about taking time to ssslllllooooowwww ddddooowwwnn. So I thought I would share with you some stress relievers that I have found to be helpful to get me through those hard days.

You can have that dream vacation and your farm food, too!

If you are a customer buying from local farms, I think it’s pretty safe to say that you’re likely someone who cares a lot about your food and a lot about your health. So, why not have the best of both worlds on vacation? You can have your vacay and your farm food too! And I am here to help you out...